Acupuncture & Eastern Medicine

Acupuncture at Natural Elements Health Center with Dr. Christine Schlenker

Acupuncture at our office is used as a therapy along with your chiropractic care and other services. If you want acupuncture therapy only, we are happy to refer you to an acupuncturist in the area.

Symptoms are typically a sign from your body that one or more systems in your body isn’t working correctly or at the very least can’t keep up with the work required.

Chinese Medicine has used acupuncture to help with almost every condition and most symptoms including:
Back pain and headaches – which is a symptom in the musculoskeletal system but includes the liver, kidney, and gallbladder.
Heartburn and Acid Reflux – which is a symptom of the gastrointestinal system but includes the stomach, spleen, and small or large intestine.
Hot flashes and infertility – which is a symptom with the endocrine and reproductive systems but also includes the heart, kidney, spleen, liver, and a couple other organs.
Anxiety, depression and addiction control – which are symptoms of the nervous system including the heart, lung, spleen, kidney, stomach, and large intestine.

Energy is essential for all parts of your body to work on a chemical, physical and energetic level.

Knowing that acupuncture helps control all the systems in your body, means acupuncture could help when any of the systems in your body that are not working as well as they could be.

According to acupuncture authorities, acupuncture has been practiced for 5,000 to 7,000 years with its origins starting in China and spreading around the world. Acupuncture traveled through Asia and Europe, following missionaries and merchants. It wasn’t until 1971, when China and the U.S. opened diplomatic relations, that acupuncture became more nationally known and recognized.

Acupuncture is based on the principle that there is energy in your body and all around us. The energy is “contained” in channels, called “meridians” that act like pipes and carry it through the entire body to the different organs and systems in the body. These “meridians” are located just below the skin and follow a very specific path through your body.

Early Chinese physicians mapped this network of channels and some 1000+ acupuncture points along the way. Each of these “Acupoints” has very specific effects on the flow and movement of energy in the body.

Acupuncture at Natural Elements Health Center with Dr. Christine SchlenkerHow does acupuncture work?
The acupuncture system works meridian systems control electromagnetic system with all the other systems in your body, so when you develop symptoms, one of the first possible relief options is acupuncture.

Is Acupuncture Painful?
This is an important question, since for most people they have only experienced needles for drawing blood or injections – and those tend to be painful.

Most clients say the acupuncture needles hurt “less than a mosquito bite.” For some they don’t feel them at all and for some they feel a mild prick and some aching or heaviness in the area of the needle. Acupuncture needles are extremely slender, approximately as thin as your hair or very light fishing line – in fact several acupuncture needles can fit into the hole of most medical needles. If there is pain with the needle and the pain is more than mild, the needle can be removed or manipulated to reduce this sensation.

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