Hey Friends! Meet my new ride. Great gas mileage, multi purpose, and pretty stinking cute. She’s the same color as my first car. Which by the way, I could fill up the tank for $10 and drive everywhere. I think it was destiny when we met in the store 😉
I got this hair brained idea this winter I am going to bike to work more often. Kids are old enough to stay home, I need some introverted alone time, and the exercise sounds like a bonus. Now, I’ve only owned cheap bikes before, so I am already cringing at the idea of the bike seat. But the kind, young sales guy insists I will be good. We’ll see.
How far out of town do I live, you ask? 12 miles one way. Up hill, both ways. Well, maybe not entirely. But after riding 6 miles yesterday in the loose, muddy gravel I have a feeling it may feel like that for a while. Until I build up calluses on my ischial tuberosities. Thankfully my mind was on top of it and I ended my evening with a hot epsom salt soak and good book to wake up fine this morning.
So who’s with me on new goals for this spring? Who else feels a deep need to shake things up? I want to hear about them, cheer each other on!
Bring on the sunshine to dry this mud and warm my face. This gray, rainy/ snowy weather can skedaddle. We’ve got playing outside to do! -Dr. Christine